
Pauline Project 2006



            Imagine that you are part of Paul’s missionary team in Asia Minor during the First Century A.D.  Paul has learned that the body of believers in the city of Dystopia has experienced a monumental earthquake, thousands were killed.

            Paul has asked you to use your knowledge of the gospel that he has taught you to write a letter of encouragement and hope to the local church.  Paul asked you to make sure and address the obvious questions that they would be asking: Why did the earthquake happen?  Did God cause the earthquake?  How do we respond to the suffering around us while we ourselves are suffering?  Where do we go from here?

            A few reports have reached you through friends and relatives.  Some report the existence of a Jewish faction in the church saying that this disaster is God’s judgement for departing from the Torah and that they should abandon faith in Jesus and return to the faithful practice of Judaism.  Other reports have mentioned that there is a small faction of Gentiles who feel that it is the judgement of Zeus and they are ready to return to the worship of Zeus the Savior.  You have heard specifically that the leading elder in the church is missing and his fate is unknown.




1.      You must completely address all of the issues mentioned above.

2.      You should write the letter in the style of a letter of the time.

3.      You must demonstrate knowledge of Pauline teaching and themes.

4.      You may not use a Bible in any form.  You may and should use your knowledge of the Bible.

5.      You should reflect knowledge of the OT and the teachings of Jesus when appropriate.

6.      The letter should be typed and submitted as an html document. (A template will be provided.)

7.      You may not consult with other groups.

8.      You must complete an evaluation at the end of the project.




         Group 1 – “A Letter to the Dystopians

         Group 2 – “Dystopians

         Group 3 – “Dystopians

         Group 4 – “[Dystopians]”








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This page maintained by Robert Lee Foster,

Last revised: February 17, 2006