


To the church at Dystopia, we, the servants of Jesus Christ, serving under the ministry and guidance of our brother Paul, pray grace and peace to you.


            As we remember you, we give thanks to the Lord constantly for your steadfast endurance and your faith in Jesus Christ, who by his love willingly laid down his life for you so that you could have hope in times of joy and suffering.


In light of the sufferings that you have endured as a result of the monumental earthquake, we know that you have been asking many questions.  Brothers we are just like you. We cannot answer these questions with clear and definite answers.  However, we must not dwell in the sufferings, but hope in the Lord, for He is Sovereign.  Remember that God created everything, and is in complete control.  Consider the prophets of Israel, and the trials they endured and remember how God sustained them in their hardships. Be joyful, brothers, for our hope comes from the Lord who gives and takes away but is above all.  Through all trials we experience in our lives, we must remind ourselves that perseverance results in character and character gives us hope; a hope that is found in Christ Jesus, who endured the greatest hardship on the cross, providing our salvation.  Also, consider your brother, Paul, who was shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, and imprisoned yet he did not blame God nor did he turn away from his faith.  Instead he rejoiced in his suffering.  Therefore, press on toward the goal that has been set before you, and be content despite the distress in your hearts. 

If you rely on your faith and do not stray from the truth that you have been taught, your faith will be strengthened.  Remember that all things work together for good in accordance with God’s good and perfect will.   Do not merely continue to sulk in your suffering. Instead, bring all your anxieties before the Lord in prayer and petition.  For God understands your needs and will fulfill them.   In these times, remember the poor and provide for one another.  Do not allow social differences to divide you.  Instead, encourage one another by praying and sharing one another’s burdens.   Consider the church at Antioch of Pisidia.  During the great famine, the believers supported one another, helping those believers who lacked financial means.  In the same way, put aside your social differences and support each other.  In the rush to rebuild your lives, do not neglect the widows and orphans among you.  Instead, share your possessions with one another, for the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.  Live the life of a servant, remembering the example of the cross and the character of Christ.

Do not neglect the message of the gospel or the precedent that Paul set before you.  Instead, commit yourselves to living a life that is worthy of the Gospel, in the hope that others may see your faith and gain salvation through Christ Jesus.



            To the ones in the church who are full of work and persuading believers to return to their former ways, we are astonished at how quickly you have abandoned your faith in Christ Jesus and his gospel, which has saved you.  You have embraced the law, which binds you, as if it would lighten your load.  Tell us, would the confining of your worship and sacrifice be pleasing to God, Almighty?  Never! We do not set aside the grace of God. For if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing. God is not concerned with the works that we have to offer him.  Our ability is filth.  Without faith in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, and his resurrection we will perish because Christ is the propitiation for our sins.  You have been set free from the law of sin and death.  Do not return to it.   Rather, set your minds on things above and not on earthly things.  You are a new creation, called to be like Christ.  Therefore, put to death whatever belongs to your sinful nature such as idolatry, sensuality, fornication, debauchery, and the like.  As an athlete, strive to strengthen your spiritual body with the words of God.  We should desire to be fit, eliminating any extra weight.  As Christ died to himself, took on the cross with all it’s shame, and followed God, so should we.  To you dogs who have turned to idolatry instead of your faith in Christ Jesus.  Do you not realize the false gods you are reverting back to lack divinity?  These man-made entities pursue the same lustful activities that Christ warned would tear you down.  Instead of offering sacrifices to these idols, offer yourself as living sacrifices to God, Almighty, who sent his son to die for you and provided salvation.  Therefore, crucify your flesh daily. 

            In light of all of these divisions that cause disunity amongst the church, put aside all quarrels and divisions that are among you.  These things produce nothing, and are fruitless.  Instead, persist in the fruits of the spirit.  These things include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.  Common sense shows that these things only have positive results.  However, quarrels, arguments, divisions, factions, and the like merely complicate the plight of the body of believers.  Remember that you are one body, consisting of many parts.  Give special consideration to the parts that require special care.  One part of the body cannot say that it has no need for another.  Every body part is dependent upon all other parts.  A part of the body in and of itself is useless, but together many parts form the church.

            Remember you are a branch that bears fruit.  Apart from the vine you cannot bear fruit. The branch that has been cut off is useless to the vine.  Let us remind you, to make a great effort to remain united in the faith.  Unity in Christ will give you the strength to overcome any hardships that you face.  The greatest commandment given by our Lord Jesus Christ is to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and to also love your neighbor likewise.  Therefore, you have been commanded to encourage, and love one another throughout all circumstances.


            I urge you brothers to be steadfast in prayer remembering unity, guidance, strength, boldness, and spiritual disciplines.  For these things will edify the body of Christ.  Be quick to encourage your fellow brother in fellowship.  Have you forgotten that Christ is the atonement for sin? Flee from idolatry and turn to Christ.  Christ is sufficient.  God began a good work in Dystopia and He will continue this work through you. Therefore, rebuild the city with this in mind.  Finally, remember to rejoice in suffering.  For this will not be the only time you suffer as you go through this life. So in all things, seek joy and peace in your affliction.  God will meet your needs.  If God takes care of the birds and the fowl of the air, how much more will he take care of you.  You must trust in the Lord and rely on his unfailing love and grace, which is sustaining above all things.

            I have been grieved over Macadamiom’s absence.  Through prayer and fasting we do not believe he abandoned the faith nor do we believe that he neglected his love for Christ and you.  But until his location is certain, hold fast to the teachings of the Lord which Paul gave to you.  You who are mature, remind the church of his message to persevere. Ask the Lord to teach you his ways, and to guide you in the truth.  Pray that forgiveness will be given for the disunity in the church, so that you may fear his name.  Then you will not be tossed back and forth as the waves of the sea, but you will be a rock, unable to be moved. For the fear of the Lord is wisdom. Then you will praise the Lord your God, with all your heart, you will glorify his name forever.  Worship, pray, fast, and seek the Lord as a body to discern who among you should be the lead elder until Macadamiom’s fate or whereabouts are known. 


            Titus, Justos, Mattaius, Phoebe, Kebanos, Adam, Jacob, Lydia, Shannon, Abbia, Stephen, and Paul of Kansos and the rest of the faithful here in Antioch send their love and prayers. We pray for you continually.  We remember you and your anguish constantly.  Accept this offering we send to you with Epaphraditus, because it is a demonstration of how we wish to be with you.  We are hoping to be with you personally, along with our brother Paul to encourage and to spend time with you.


            Finally, brethren, do not be discouraged for the Lord is with you wherever you go.  May grace and peace be given to you.


PS.  Beware, of John the Liar for his lies are spreading wickedness across the world.

Adam Breckenridge

Paul Brown

Kevin Cox

Stephen Foust

Shannon Moore

Jacob Moseley

Abbi Sawyer 

Lyda Turner



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Last revised: February 17, 2006