The Antiochian Gospel
In light of the most Holy God, in response to our brother Barnabas, we present the story of Jesus, the one we call Christ, in hopes that others may come to the redeeming love of Christ and gain in knowledge through our account.
One day a certain man named Zacharias, a priest of the temple in Jerusalem, was offering sacrifices in the temple when an angel appeared to him and told him his wife would bear a child. Due to the old age of him and his wife, Zacharias did not believe the angel and the angel closed his mouth.
Elizabeth, Zacharias' wife, conceived and gave birth to a son. On the day that his son was to be named, Zacharias wrote on paper to name the child John, and immediately Zacharias' mouth was opened.
An angel of the Lord then appeared to the virgin Mary, who was engaged to Joseph, a descendant of David. She was very frightened and the angel said, "Do not be afraid for you have been chosen to bear the Son of God." This was to fulfill the prophecy stating, "But the Lord will still give you proof. A virgin is pregnant; she will have a son and will name him 'Immanuel.'"
When Joseph learned of Mary's condition, in order not to shame her, he decided to divorce her quietly. An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "What is conceived in Mary is of the Holy Spirit and you shall call him Jesus."
During the time that Caesar ordered a census for all of Judea, Joseph and his wife Mary traveled to Bethlehem, for he was a descendant of the house of David. Upon arriving in Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary sought lodging at a local inn. There was no suitable place; therefore, Joseph and Mary located a stable and she gave birth and laid the child in a manger.
They named the child Jesus. His birth was declared to shepherds by angels, and they found him lying in a manger as the angels had said. Wise men from the east saw a star and followed it to Jesus. And both worshipped him. Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with both God and man.
Out of the desert, John came preaching, "Repent and be baptized for the Kingdom of God is near." This fulfilled the prophecy, "The Lord all powerful will send my messenger to prepare the way for me…The messenger you desire is coming with my promise and he is on his way." And many came to John for baptism because they recognized their sinful condition.
John was saying, “One is coming who is greater than I, the thong of whose sandal I am unworthy to loosen.” As John was baptizing in the Jordan, he saw Jesus coming and proclaimed, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Jesus came to John for baptism, but John felt unworthy and requested baptism from Jesus. Jesus insisted that John baptize him to fulfill all righteousness. John immersed him in the Jordan, and, as Jesus was coming up out of the water, the heavens were torn open and God said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." And the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove.
Later, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. During this time, Satan, the evil one, arrived and tempted Jesus. "If you are who you say you are, then turn these stones into bread." Jesus responded, "Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Again, Satan tried to lead him astray by taking him to the highest point of the temple and said, "Jump off, the angels will save you." Jesus again refused saying, "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." Yet again, Satan led Jesus to a high place and told him, "If you bow down to worship me, I will give you all the kingdoms of the world." Jesus told him, "Do not worship anybody but God." Then Jesus left the wilderness to begin his ministry.
Shortly after Christ began his ministry, he called 12 men from various trades: fishermen, tax collectors, and others to become his disciples.
After a long day of teaching the crowds of Galilee, Jesus told his disciples that it was time to leave. Then they got into the boat and sailed away. While they were on the sea, a great storm came upon them causing great waves. The disciples were frightened and feared for their lives. At that very moment, Jesus was asleep in the bottom of the boat on a pillow. The disciples’ fear drove them to wake Jesus and they asked him, “How are you able to sleep during this storm? Are you not afraid?” Jesus responded by saying, “Be Quiet!” and immediately the storm and the sea were silenced. Jesus turned to the disciples and said, “You of little faith, do you trust in the Lord to look over you?” The disciples were amazed and asked one another, “Who then is this that even the winds and the waves of the sea listen to him?”
Now when they arrived at the other side of the sea, in the Decapolis, there was a man howling in the night. The man was possessed with demons and lived in a cave in the cemetery. He was a wild man that could not be held with chains and shackles. His voice cried out into the night, and the people were terrified of him.
As Jesus entered the land, the demoniac ran up to him, begging him to leave him alone. For the demons recognized him as the “Son of God,” and Jesus told the demons to come out of the man. Across the cemetery, there was a herd of swine, and the demons begged Jesus to let them enter the swine, Jesus said, “What is your name?” The man answered, “Legion, for we are many.” Jesus then commanded the demons to come out of the man and into the swine. Immediately the animals ran down into the sea and drowned.
Now the herdsman ran into the city and told all the people what had happened. When the people entered where the man was lying, they saw him clothed and calm. The people were terrified of Jesus and asked him to leave. As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who was demon-possessed asked him if he could go with him. Jesus told him to stay in his land and tell all the people what the Lord had done for him.
Jesus taught in a parable, saying “A man was traveling on a long narrow road. All at once, robbers jumped out and attacked him, leaving him half dead at the side of the road. The young man lay bleeding and suffering, and along came a priest who walked to the other side of the road when he saw the young man bleeding, because he did not want to help this one who might be dead. The young man lay for hours before the next man came along who was a Levite. This Levite also passed by, avoiding the young man’s cries for help. Then a Samaritan came with his wares traveling along the same way. The Samaritan saw the young man and took pity on him. The Samaritan washed the young man’s wounds and loaded him onto one of his animals so he could take him to a nearby inn. The Samaritan saw that the young man was well cared for and paid for future care. He told the innkeeper to see to all of the young man’s needs, and told him that if the bag of tribute was not enough, he would pay more on his return trip.” Jesus then asked, “Who was this man’s true neighbor?”
Jesus and his disciples were traveling through the land Samaria. They grew tired and hungry. Jesus sent the disciples into the town to get food. A woman came out to the well where Jesus sat to rest. Jesus said, “Give me a drink.” She said, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan, how is it you ask me for a drink? You worship in Jerusalem, we worship on this mountain.” Jesus said, “There will come a time when you will not worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem.” She said, “Truly you are that prophet, the Messiah.” He said, “Woman, if you knew who it was that asked you, you would ask, and I would give you living water.” Jesus said, “Go and get your husband.” She said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said, “You have well said. You have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband.” She marveled at the things he said. The Samaritan woman went into town saying, “Come and see this one who told me all I have done.”
And Jesus spoke to his disciples in a parable. “A farmer sows his seeds: some fell on the rocks on the road, some fell on the weeds, and some fell on good soil. The seeds that fell on the rocks did not have good roots and the sun will come and wither the plant away. The seeds that fell on weeds will have roots and grow, but the weeds eventually will choke the life out of them and the plant will die. The seeds that fell on the good soil take root, grow, and produce a crop of fruit.”
Later on, Jesus explained to his disciples what this parable meant. He told them that the word is the seed. “Some people, the word of God will fall on but it won’t take hold and they will quickly wither away. Some people, the word will fall on, but the world’s cares will come and choke the life from them. The word of God will fall on some and it will take root in their heart and therefore will produce fruit.”
A crowd of people had come to see Jesus teach, crowding a house so that even the windows were packed with people. At this time, four friends and a paralytic man came to the crowd trying to get the paralytic to Jesus. They could not get through the crowd to Jesus, so the friends climbed to the top of the roof. They dug a hole and lowered the paralytic down to Jesus. Jesus looked into the face of the paralytic’s friends and said, “By the faith of your friends, you are healed.” At this time, the scribes sitting on the front row began doubting Jesus’ authority by their thoughts. Jesus was able to read the minds of scribes and asked, “Why do you think that God is the only one who can heal through miracles, but I am here to tell you I am the Son of Man.” He then turns and instructs the paralytic man to “get up and walk.”
Now Jesus was teaching to a crowd on a mountainside and he was saying to them, “If salt becomes unsalted, what good can it do? Can it become salty again? The only thing you can do with it is to throw it on the ground. Can a city on a hill hide its light? Do any of you light a candle in your house, then cover it up? No! What good is it if it is hidden? You are the salt and the light of the world.”
While Jesus was calling his disciples he said to a man, “Follow me.” The man replied, “First let me go and bury my father.” Jesus said in response to the man, “Let the dead bury their own dead.’ Jesus went on to say, “If a man does not hate his own father and mother, putting me first in their life, he has no inheritance in the kingdom of God. For a man who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back, he has no right to the kingdom of God. For what man sets out to build a tower without first counting the cost?”
Jesus said, “A person cannot serve two masters. One cannot serve God and money; he will cling to the one or the other. He will either serve God or serve money. But you cannot serve both God and money. You cannot serve two masters.”
Nicodemus came to him in the night and asked, “Teacher, how can one enter the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of heaven unless he is born again.” “Rabbi,” Nicodemus replied, “How can a man enter into his mother’s womb a second time and be born again?” Jesus replied, “Are you not a teacher of Israel? How is it that you do not understand me? I tell you the truth; no man can enter the kingdom unless he is born of the Spirit and water.”
Jesus taught the crowd, including Pharisees, in a parable. “A man had two sons. The younger, when he had come of age, asked his father for his part of the inheritance. Upon receiving his portion, he left for a foreign land. While there, he spent all his money on riotous living. There came also a great famine in the land, and he had no food. Having no money, he worked feeding the pigs. Starving, he longed to eat that which he fed the pigs. At this time he came to his senses, and he considered his plight and how even his father’s servants have plenty to eat. At that, he decided he would go back to his father and seek his forgiveness, and declare his unworthiness to be his son, and begged to be one of his father’s servants. Upon returning his father saw him from far away and ran out to meet him. His father hugged his son and cried with joy. The father told the servants to prepare the feast with the fattened calf and bring a new robe and ring for his son. At this time the older son was coming in from the field. Hearing the noise of celebration he asked a servant about the noise. The servant told him that his younger brother had returned and that his father has commanded to prepare a feast in celebration of his sons returning home. When he heard this, the older son became angry in his heart. He went to his father and complained that he had worked for him everyday faithfully, never asking for anything, and yet when his younger brother spent all his inheritance then returned home broke, he killed the fatted calf, gave him a new robe and ring, and threw a party for him. The older son further complained, “You have never so much as killed a goat for my friends and me!” The father replied, “All I have is yours; do not be bitter. Your brother was dead, but now he lives.”
A Jewish man by the name of Jairus came to Jesus, asking him to come heal his dying daughter. On the way to Jairus’ house, a crowd surrounded Jesus, and in the crowd there was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She touched Jesus’ cloak and as she did, Jesus stopped and asked who touched him. The disciples said, “Look at this crowd, anyone could have touched you.” Jesus said that he felt power leave his body, so he asked again, who touched him. A woman came through the crowd trembling and terrified. She told Jesus that she was the one that touched his cloak and Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you, go in peace.” Jesus continued on his way to Jairus’s home. Upon arriving, Jesus heard the wailing of the people inside the house. The people told Jesus that the girl was dead and that he was too late. Jesus told them that she was merely sleeping, and the people laughed at him. Jesus took the girl’s mother and father, James, Peter, and John, the brother of James, upstairs to the girl. Jesus said to her, “Little girl, rise,” and she was alive. The people rejoiced.
Again Jesus taught in a parable, “The Kingdom of God is like a master, whom going away on a journey gave his servants certain amounts of money to be managed in his absence. To one he gave ten talents, to another he gave five talents, and the last he gave one. While the master was gone away on his trip, the servant who had been given ten invested the ten and earned ten more. The servant that had been given five invested them and earned five more. The one who had been given one was afraid of his master because he was a hard man reaping where he did not sow. Therefore, the servant dug a hole and buried the talent. Upon the master’s return the servant that had been given ten presented the master’s ten talents with the extra ten he had earned. The master responded with favor, saying that the servant was good and faithful. The servant that had been given five presented his master’s five along with the extra five he had earned. Again, the master responded with favor saying the same of him as the previous servant. Then the servant that had been given one presented it to his master explaining what he had done and why. The master responded angrily, saying, ‘You are a wicked and lazy servant.’ The master then commanded the servants to take the talent from him and give it to the one that had been given ten, saying, ‘You knew I was a hard man reaping where I do not sow, you could have at least invested my money and return it to me with interest.’ He further stated, ‘To him who has little, even it shall be taken from him and given to him who has much.’ Then he said to the first two, ‘Enter in, you good and faithful servants.’ To the wicked servant he commanded his servants to carry him out and cast him into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
And Jesus said, “There was a rich man who lived in a giant kingdom. A poor man, Lazarus laid weak just outside the rich man’s gate. He was covered in sores, which were licked by dogs. He begged for food, but the rich man would not ever give him the crumbs from his table. A time came when both men died. Lazarus went to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man was in torment. He lifted up his eyes and cried out, ‘Father Abraham have mercy on me! Send Lazarus to dip his finger into water and cool my tongue because I am in torment in these flames.’ ‘Haven’t you heard,’ Abraham replied, ‘There is a great gulf between you and I. You cannot come to me and I cannot go to you.’ The rich man requested, ‘Then let me return to my five brothers to warn them.’ Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. If they will not believe that, they will not believe a dead man.’”
One day as Jesus went along, a scribe asked of him, “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment?” Jesus replied, “You shall love the lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Upon these hang all the Torah and prophets.” The scribe replied, “You have spoken well.” Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”
Jesus heard of the death of his friend Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, and he decided to travel to Bethany to visit Lazarus’ sisters. A certain man approached Jesus saying, “My daughter is ill, will you heal her?” Jesus replied to the man, a centurion, “I will heal her,” and he began to walk, but the centurion said, “Only speak the word, and it will be done.” Jesus marveled at such faith, saying, “Such faith I have not seen in all of Israel! Your daughter is healed, go in peace.” Jesus arrived in Bethany, and he came to the house of Lazarus. Some said, “Master, if only you had come earlier! You might have healed him.” Jesus came to the tomb of Lazarus and wept. He spoke the words, “Lazarus, arise,” and Lazarus came out of the grave, having risen from the dead after being in the tomb four days. The people rejoiced and marveled.
Jesus spoke to his followers, “Say there were a hundred sheep out in the field with the Shepherd. If one of the sheep wondered off and got lost would the Shepherd not leave the ninety-nine in order to go find the one lost sheep?”
As Jesus gathered with his disciples, he began to teach them concerning his mission. He told them, “It is appointed for the Son of Man to suffer and die. It is the will of the Father, so that you might know the truth which will set you free.” Jesus said these things so that his disciples might know the fulfillment of the Prophet Isaiah, “The Lord decided his servant would suffer as a sacrifice to take away the sin and guilt of others. He was healed and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and suffering.”
One day Jesus was speaking to his disciples, and he said to them, “The Son of Man must be handed over to the Gentiles to suffer.” And Jesus also spoke to the Jews, but they would not receive him. Such was to fulfill the scriptures, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Jesus then said to his disciples, “I will be handed over to the Gentiles to suffer and die.” Later, as Jesus was teaching, Jesus said, “This temple will be destroyed, and in three days I will raise it up.” His teaching puzzled the disciples. Jesus also taught them, saying “I will die and I will be raised on the third day.” But Peter resisted, saying, “Lord, may it never be!” Jesus rebuked him, “Get behind me Satan, for your mind is not on the things of God.”
Jesus taught his disciples, “Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, then I will return and receive you into myself, that where I am, there you may be also, and the way you know.” Thomas said, “Lord, how do we know the way?” “Thomas,” Jesus replied, “How is it that you don’t know the way? I am the Way, Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through me. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father; for the Father and I are one.”
They went to Jericho. Sitting on the roadside begging was a blind man named Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus. He heard that Jesus was passing by, so he shouted, “Son of David! Have mercy on me!” The crowd rebuked him and told him to be quiet. But he shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” The crowd said, “Cheer up! On your feet! He is calling you!” Throwing his cloak aside, he leaped to his feet and approached Jesus. “What is it you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “I want to see,” Bartimaeus replied. “Your faith has healed you!” Jesus exclaimed. Immediately, he began to see, and he followed Jesus along the way.
After traveling through Galilee, Jesus traveled with his disciples to the city of Jerusalem at the time of the Passover. Before entering the city he told two of his disciples to go ahead into the city and there they would find a donkey. If someone asks what you are doing, say that your Lord needs this. They went and found everything as Jesus had described. As they brought the donkey to Jesus, the disciples took off their cloaks and put them over the donkey for Jesus to sit on. They then traveled into the city where they were met by people who waved palm branches and laid down their cloaks and shouted, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
They came into the temple courts and Jesus became very angry because of the way the people were defiling the temple. He turned over the moneychanger’s tables, released the doves, and drove out the livestock. Jesus asked, “Why have you made my Father’s house into a den of robbers? This is to be a house of prayer.” He then said, “I will destroy this temple and rebuild it in three days.” And the religious leaders, not knowing what he meant said, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, how can you say you can rebuild it in three days?” As Jesus was teaching in the temple, he taught of a man who owned a vineyard who went away and hired some tenants to care for it. He sent some servants to receive some of the harvest, and each time one of the servants came the hired tenants beat them. Finally, the owner sent his son, thinking that surely they will not harm him. But the tenants decide to kill him so that they could have his inheritance.
The Sadducees try to trick Jesus with a question on marriage. “When a woman marries seven times, and they have no kids, who would be considered to be her husband at the resurrection?” Jesus replied, “In the resurrection, there will not be marriage or giving in marriage. Why are you asking this if you don’t even believe in the resurrection of the dead?”
Then some other there asked, “Is it lawful to pay taxes?” Jesus instructed them to look at a coin, and then asked, “Whose picture is on this?” They answered “Caesar’s.” Jesus said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
And then Jesus sent some of the twelve to a certain house in the city to prepare for the Passover. After the preparations were made, Jesus and the twelve gathered in an upper room of the house. While they were feasting, Jesus arose, took off his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. Taking a basin of water, he began to wash the disciples feet. Peter was shocked, as the other disciples were and said, “ Master, do not wash my feet, I should be washing yours.” In response Jesus replied, “Peter, unless you let me wash your feet, you can have no part of me.” “Well then wash my head, hands, and all of me,” Peter said. Jesus responds to this by saying, “A man who is clean does not need a bath but just his feet washed.”
After Jesus completed this task He spoke to the group and said, “ Now the Master has washed the servants feet. For as I am your master, you are my servants. Now go and do likewise unto others.”
Now shortly after these things, the disciples began to dispute about who would be the greatest in heaven. It was then that Jesus was asked about his knowledge of who would be seated with honor in his kingdom. Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, the first will be last, and the last will be first, but tonight one of you will betray me.”
With this knowledge the disciples began speculating about who would betray him. Peter said, “It will surely not be me.” Then Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times.” It was shortly after this point that Judas Iscariot (the one who would betray him) left the room.
And then Jesus took a cup of wine and called the disciples to attention. He said, “This is my blood, every time you drink this, do this in remembrance of me.” After the disciples had sipped from the cup, Jesus took a loaf of bread and broke it. He said, “This is my body, which is broken for you. Every time you eat of this, do this in remembrance of me.” The disciples were confused about the meaning of Jesus’ words, which were about his death.
Later that night after the supper, Jesus led the disciples to the garden of Gethsemane for prayer. Jesus left the group, taking Peter, James and John to a solitary place. It was there that Jesus asked them to pray for him while he went off by himself to pray.
And Jesus prayed “ Father, if it be your will, let this cup pass from me.” It was at this time that Jesus was filled with so much anxiety that his sweat became like blood. As Jesus was praying, the disciples drifted off to sleep. After a period of time, Jesus went to check on the disciples and finding them sleeping, he said, “What are you doing? You need to pray for me for the time of testing is at hand!”
It was after this that Jesus went back into prayer alone, pleading with God to release him from his duty. And again the disciples fell asleep, due to their heavy eyes. And Jesus found them asleep once again and said, “Wake up, for they are coming.”
It was then that Jesus and the three joined back up with the others only to see a long line of torches approaching. And the crowd accompanied by Judas and the servant of the high priest approached Jesus. Jesus asked them, “Who am I, a criminal that you come after me in the dark and with clubs?” As prearranged by Judas, the one he would betray would be identified by a kiss upon the cheek. After Judas kissed Christ upon the cheek the guards seized him. As the guards grabbed Jesus, one of his disciples unsheathed a blade and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Jesus rebuked his disciple and healed the ear of the priest’s servant. The guards brought Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Also, the religious leaders brought people to bear false witness about Jesus. One claimed Jesus said he would tear down the temple and rebuild it in three days. Then, the chief priest asked Jesus if he was the Son of God. Jesus replied, “It is as you say.” The priests tore their clothes and pronounced him a blasphemer and worthy of death.
In the courtyard warm by the fire a young girl recognized Peter and said, “He is one of them.” And Peter replied, “I do not know what you are saying.” A second recognized him and Peter replied, “I do not know him.” A third recognized Peter as a follower of Jesus, and Peter replied, “I do not know him!” Just as Peter denied him the rooster crowed twice and as Peter looks upon Jesus he realized what he had done.
After various trials and scourging, Jesus was brought before Pilate. As a tradition of the celebration of the Passover, Pilate was allowed to release one prisoner. Pilate addressed the crowd, “Which would you want released, Jesus or Barabbas, the insurrectionist?” Being encouraged by the Pharisees the crowds cried, “Release Barabbas!” Pilate asked them what he should do with Jesus and the crowds yelled, “Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!” Pilate dipped his hands in a bowl, signifying that he washed his hands of the matter and sent Jesus to be crucified.
They handed Jesus his cross and made him carry it up the hill Golgotha, the place of the skull. Jesus was so weak that he was not able to carry the cross, so the guards had someone from the crowd help him. The guards grabbed a Cyrene named Simon to help Jesus carry the cross. When they had reached the top of the hill, the guards laid Jesus on the cross and nailed his hands and feet. They then raised the cross between two criminals. One of the men mocked him. The other asked Jesus if he would remember him when Jesus was in his kingdom. Jesus told the man that he would be with him in paradise that day.
Then, the people mocked Jesus and said, “If you are the son of God, why don’t you send angels to help you down?” Then a soldier put vinegar on a sponge and offered it up for Jesus to drink. After Jesus had been on the cross for several hours, he looked up and said, “It is finished.” As the prophet Isaiah said, “He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment he made us completely well.” With this Jesus breathed his last and passed away. The guards were amazed that he died so quickly. To make sure that Jesus was dead, they stabbed a spear into his side and blood and water flowed out. The sky then became dark, the earth began to shake, and the temple curtain was torn in half from top to bottom.
After this had happened, Joseph of Arimithea, a follower of Christ, went to Pilate and asked if he could take Jesus’ body and place it in a tomb because of the approaching Sabbath. Pilate agreed, and Joseph wrapped Jesus’ body and placed him in the tomb. A man informed Pilate that Jesus claimed that he would rise from the grave after three days. Since he was afraid of Jesus’ disciples coming in the night, stealing the body, and claiming that Jesus had risen from the dead, he placed guards at the tomb and rolled a stone in front of it.
Early morning, on the third day, followers of Jesus came to finish the burial procedures on Jesus’ body, which they were not allowed to do because of the Sabbath. When they had arrived, they discovered that the stone had been moved and the tomb was empty. They were confused and worried about what had happened to the body. They hurried to find Jesus’ disciples and to inform them that Jesus was not in the tomb. When they arrived, they began to talk among one another, and Jesus appeared in the midst of them. The disciples were afraid because they thought he was a ghost. Jesus then spoke to them and showed them his wounds. They rejoiced and praised God, for Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus then appeared to countless others in many places.
Some time later, while Jesus was with his followers on a mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Tell others throughout Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the world, of my life, death, and resurrection. As you are going, make more disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. And I will always be with you.” After he said this, he ascended into heaven and disappeared into the clouds.
This account of Jesus the Christ is written to the best of our knowledge in order to encourage our brothers in Christ and support the growth of the Lord’s church. This is not for our own fame, but for the glory of our Lord Jesus. May the Lord bless and guide you as you spread this message throughout the world. Amen.
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Last revised: February 4, 2005