


The Project


Project Description

            Gospel Project 2005 is an experiential learning event that was designed for “New Testament Studies:  Life of Christ RL 3253 A at Williams Baptist College.”  The class gathered on February 4, 2005 from 3pm until 10pm to work on this project.  They were given an ancient letter reported to be from Barnabas to the Church in Antioch of Syria.  The class is to be “The Church in Antioch of Syria.”  The letter requests that they compose a “gospel” to instruct new converts that they are teaching on the First Missionary Journey.  The only materials that they were allowed to use were the “letter,” the Old Testament, paper, pens/pencils, and their personal knowledge of the acts and teachings of Jesus from their own experiences. 




  1. The student will understand the process of composing a gospel.
  2. The students will better understand the importance of having a working knowledge of the Life and Teachings of Jesus and be motivated to expand their existing knowledge of the Canonical Gospels.
  3. The students will define a group Christology.



The Antiochian Gospel




Reflections from Participants




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This page maintained by Robert Lee Foster,

Last revised: February 7, 2005