RL 3253
"Messianic Expectations" Texts: 4 Ezra 12:31-36, Testament of Judah 24:1-6,
Theological Interests of the Four Gospels, James Lowell Blevins
Passion Predictions in the Synoptic Gospels
Mentioned in Class:
Camels, Needles, Ropes, and Gates, One Man’s Thoughts
Diodorus, Britannica Article, Works
Edwards, W.D., W.J. Gabel, and F.E. Hosmer, On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ JAMA 255.11 (1986): 1455-1463.
Hansen, K.C., Article on Kinship
Hillel, Seven Middot
Josephus, Britannica Article, Works
Just, Felix, Electronic New Testament Educational Resources
Livy, Britannica Article, Works
Neyrey, Jerome, “The Trials (Forensic) and Tribulations (Honor Challenges) of Jesus: John 7 in Social Science Perspective”
Papius, Testimony of, Interpretation of the Lord’s Oracles, cited by Eusebius
Photos Shared in Class:
Pan Niche at Banias Fortress of Antonio Model Lion’s Gate
Eastern Gate Jaffa Gate Zion Gate Dung Gate
Hinnom Valley Tomb (1) Hinnom Valley Tomb (2)
Israel/Jordan Photo Collection
Polybius, Britannica Article, Works
Quest for the Historical Jesus on NTGateway.com
Sepphoris Excavation Page, James Strange Article on Sepphoris
Suetonius, Britannica Article, Works
Tacitus, Britannica Article, Works
Items of Interests:
Christian Classics Ethereal Library, a great source of primary documents of the Church
From Jesus to Christ, a PBS Frontline Special
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
of Interest for The Passion of the Christ:
The Passion of the
Christ, Official Movie Site
A Collection of
Articles on the movie in the Baptist
An Article about
the Movie from Ethics
The Stations of the Cross
in the Catholic Encyclopedia
Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich,
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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This page maintained by
Robert Lee Foster, rfoster@wbcoll.edu
Last revised: January 6, 2017