Electronic Resources
- New Testament Gateway: Paul the Apostle, www.ntgateway.com/paul
-Includes links to various websites
concerning Paul, as well as The
Corpus Paul Email List. An archive of
articles and reviews can also be found.
- Rodney J. Decker, Resources
for New Testament Studies, Pauline Epistles, http://faculty.bbc.edu/RDecker/nt_paul.htm
-This page
contains external links to helpful, technical articles on matters related to
the study of the New Testament. This page lists only content articles/pages.
- The
Paul Page, Dedicated to the new perspective on Paul, www.angelfire.com/mi2/paulpage
- Includes
articles, book reviews and information on the new perspective on Paul.
- J.
Woodward, Paul, www.textweek.com/pauline/paul
- Includes links and study resources pertaining to
specific books and pericopes.
- R. Kidd, Saint Paul the Apostle, www.thirdmill.org/paul_frameset.asp
-Includes information on the background, life, Epistles,
theology, and impact of Paul. As well
as a bibliography and links to available study helps.
- C.
Koester, Journeys of Paul, www.luthersem.edu/ckoester/Paul/Main.htm
-Explore the world of the Apostle
Paul. Sites are listed in the order that they appear in Acts. Some major cities
also include a "tour" option so that you can get a closer look at the
places in which Paul worked. (Lots of pretty pictures)
- A
Chronology of Paul’s Life,
Bibliography and Links.
- As
Paul Tells It, www.paulonpaul.org
-A letters based study of what the
apostle Paul tells us about his work, his teaching, and himself. Includes a Discussion Forum and
- Chronology of Apostle Paul's Journeys
and Epistles www.matthewmcgee.org/paultime.html
- Pauline Chronology: His Life
and Missionary Work http://clawww.lmu.edu/faculty/fjust/Bible/Pauline_Chronology.htm
-Includes a comprehensive overview
of the five main phases of Paul’s life.
- A
Chronological Study of Paul’s Ministry, www.xenos.org/classes/chronop.htm
-This outline explains in shortened
form how scholars date the events in the ministry of Paul.
- Chronology
of Paul’s life, http://fishcafe.netfirms.com/c/gbs-e/k.html
-A chronological overview of Paul’s
- Seven
Churches Network, www.sevenchurches.org
-Contains links to information on
Paul’s journeys.
- The
Conversion of the Apostle Paul, http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/87.html
-Bibliographical sketch of the
Apostle Paul.
- Chronology
of Paul’s Letters, http://www.bombaxo.com/paulchron.htm
- Paul
of Tarsus, A Chronology, http://servus.christusrex.org/www1/ofm/pope2/intros/GPint01.html
-A chronology of Paul’s life with
Biblical references.
- The
Life of the Apostle Paul, http://students.washington.edu/garthtan/GT_Tan.html
- Chronological Table of the Principal
Events Connected With the Life of the Apostle Paul, http://bible.christiansunite.com/jfb/jfb0G.shtml
- The
Life of Paul, a Chronology, http://www.fiu.edu/~religion/Paul.htm
- A
Harmony of the Life of Paul, http://poly.sdnp.org.mw/eo/paul/paul_09.htm
- Maps
Related to the Life of Paul, http://gbgm-umc.org/umw/corinthians/maps.stm
- Paul’s
Chronology, http://www.parsagard.com/pauls-chronology.htm
-The chronology of Paul’s life can
only be a matter of approximate dating.
- The
Apostle Paul, http://st-paul.scdsb.edu.on.ca/paul.html
- A
Synoptic Life of the Apostle Paul, http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/ppendleton/sec/SLAP.HTM
-Comprising original and selected notes,
explanatory, illustrative, practical. Embellished with maps, diagrams,
chronological charts, tables, etc.
- Was
The Apostle Paul a Historical Person?, http://www.kwdavids.net/paul.html
- Timeline
of the Apostle Paul, http://www.blueletterbible.org/study/paul/timeline.html
- The
Early Life of Paul, http://www.tudorgrangeschool.org.uk/subjects/relig/stpaul.htm
- The
Early Life and Background of the Apostle Paul, http://www.biblicaltheology.com/Research/WallaceQ01.html
- Chronological
table of the principal events connected with the life of the apostle
Paul. http://www.biblehelpsonline.com/jfb-commentary/JFB00G.htm
- Knowing
the Apostle Paul, http://dlampel.com/knowing/paul.htm
- Paul
was not Ashamed of Persecution and Prison, http://www.lawspublishing.com/paul.htm
- Pauline
Studies, http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/pauline_studies
for all things Pauline.
- An
Introduction To The Pastoral Epistles, http://www.bible.org/docs/nt/books/1ti/1tm-intr.htm
Chronology of Paul’s Life
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This page maintained by
Robert Lee Foster, rfoster@wbcoll.edu
Last revised: March 14, 2003