




The Pauline Epistles class at Williams Baptist College compiled this chronology of Paul.  Our purpose is to provide a comparative chronology of Paul’s life based upon the scriptural accounts found in Acts and the Pauline Corpus. We have included links to various bibliographic and electronic resources.  Please keep in mind that this site is the product of an undergraduate-student committee.  The opinions and ideas do not necessarily reflect the opinions and ideas of the instructor or Williams Baptist College.  The goal of the project was “to learn and explore” not to develop a final authority on Pauline Chronology.  Your comments about this project are welcome HERE.


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Electronic Resources









Paul’s Earlier Life in Judaism

Gal 1:13-14

Phil 3:4-6

1 Tim 1:12-14

Titus 3:3-7


Stephen’s Speech


Acts 7:4-53


Stoning of Stephen


Acts 7:54-60


Church Persecuted and Scattered

Paul Refers to Persecuting the Church

Acts 8:1-3

1 Cor 15:9


Saul Encounters Jesus on the Damascus Road

Paul’s Recalls the Damascus Road Event

Acts 9:1-9

Gal 1:15-16

Eph 3:1-4

2 Tim 1:8-14

1 Cor 15:8


God Sends Ananias to Saul


Acts 9:10-16


Saul is Baptized and Regains His Sight


Acts 9:17-19



Paul Ministers in Arabia and Damascus for 3 Years

Gal 1:17


Saul Preaches in Damascus

Paul’s Escape from Damascus

Acts 9:20-25

2 Cor 11:30-33


Saul Goes to Jerusalem;

Barnabas and Disciples Accept Paul


Acts 9:26-30


Saul Travels to Caesarea and Tarsus

Paul Ministers in Syria and Cilicia for 11 (14) Years

Acts 9:30

Gal 1:21-24


Barnabas Brings Saul to Antioch (stays for 1 year)


Acts 11:26


Barnabas and Saul Go to Judea to Deliver Famine Collection


Acts 11:30

Acts 12:25


Barnabas and Saul return to Antioch From Jerusalem With John Mark


Acts 12:25


Saul and Barnabas Set Aside as Missionaries By Church in Antioch (starts First Mission)


Acts 13:2


Saul and Barnabas Sail From Seleucia, to Cyprus, to Salamis, to Paphos


Acts 13:4-6


Paul and Barnabas Go to Perga in Pamphylia and to Antioch in Pisidia


Acts 13:13-14


Paul and Barnabas Go to Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe

Paul First Visits Galatia Because of An Infirmity;  Paul Mentions His Stoning while in Lystra (new comment here idou!)

Acts 14:6-10

Gal 4:12-20

2 Cor 11:21-25


Paul and Barnabas Return to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch


Acts 14:11-21


Paul and Barnabas Go Through Pisidia, Pamphylia, and Attalia to Antioch


Acts 14:24-26


Paul and Barnabas are Sent to Jerusalem for Jerusalem Council

Paul Visits Jerusalem with Barnabus and Titus

Acts 15:2-29

Gal 2:1-10


Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch

Paul Confronts Cephas in Antioch of Syria

Acts 15:30-35

Gal 2:11-14



Galatians Written



Controversy Over John Mark


Acts 15:36-39


Paul and Silas Strengthen Churches in Syria and Cilicia (starts Second Mission)


Acts 15:40-41


Paul and Silas Go to Derbe and Lystra


Acts 16:1


Timothy Joins Paul and Silas


Acts 16:2-3


Paul, Silas, and Timothy Travel Through Regions of Phrygia, Galatia, Mysia


Acts 16:6-9


In Troas, Paul Has Vision of Macedonian Man and They Leave for Macedonia


Acts 16:9-10


Luke Joins Them and They Sail to Samothrace and Neapolis


Acts 16:11


They Go to Philipi (stay for several days)

Paul Is Arrested and Beaten

Paul Ministers in Philippi

Paul Is Arrested and Beaten

Acts 16:12-40

2 Cor 11:21-25

Phil 2:12-13

1 Thess 2:1-12


They Pass Through Amphipolis and Apollonia On the Way to Thessalonica

Paul’s Ministry In Thessalonica

Paul Receives Support From the Philippians

Acts 17:1-9

Phil 4:15-20

1 Thess 2:2-12


They Go to Berea


Acts 17: 10-13


Paul Is Sent to Athens

Paul Is Sent to Athens

Acts 17:15-34

1 Thess 3:1-3


Paul Leaves Athens and Goes to Corinth for a Year and a Half

1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians Written from Corinth

Acts 18:1, 11

1 Thess 1:2-10

2 Thess 2:15


Timothy and Silas Join Him From Macedonia


Acts 18:5

1 Thess 3:6-10


Paul is Brought Before Gallio


Acts 18:12-16


Paul Leaves and Goes to Syria, Accompanied By Priscilla and Aquila


Acts 18:18


On the Way to Syria, He Stops in Ephesus and Preaches


Acts 18:19


Paul Goes to Caesarea and Greets

the Church in Antioch


Acts 18:22


Paul Travels Throughout Galatia and Phrygia (starts Third Mission)

Paul’s Life Threatened in Asia

Acts 18:23

2 Cor 1:8-10


Paul Goes to Ephesus

(stays approximately three years)

Chloe’s Report to Paul;

Paul Plans a Future Trip to Corinth;

Paul Mentions His Struggle in Ephesus;

Paul Refers to Jerusalem Offering;

Paul Sent Timothy Ahead

Acts 19:1-20:1

Acts 20:31

1 Cor 1:11; 11:34; 15:32; 16:1-4; 16:10-11



1 Corinthians Written While in Ephesus

Paul Remains in Ephesus Until Pentecost

1 Cor 16:8, 19


Paul Goes Through Macedonia to Greece

(stays for three months)

Paul Proclaims the Gospel in Troas;

Paul Plans a Future Trip to Corinth

Acts 20:1-3

1 Cor 16:5-9

2 Cor 1:15-16; 2:12-13



2 Corinthians Written While in Macedonia

Titus Sent to Corinth

2 Corinthians 2:12-13; 7:5-13a; 8:1-24; 9:2



Romans Written While in Corinth On Third Missionary Journey (Greece)

Romans 1:11-15; 15:25, 16:3

1 Cor 1:14, 16:23


Paul Goes to Philippi and Sails to Troas (stays for seven days)


Acts 20:5-6


Paul Goes to Assos, Mitylene, Kios, Samos, Miletus


Acts 20:13-15


They Go To Cos, Rhodes, Patara, Phoencia, Syria


Acts 21:1-3


They Go To Tyre (stay seven days)


Acts 21:4


They Go To Ptolemais


Acts 21:7


They Go To Caesarea


Acts 21:8-14


They Go To Jerusalem

(Paul put in prison and tried before Annanias)


Acts 21:17-23:23


Paul Sent To Caesarea and Tried Before Felix and Agrippa (Paul sent to Rome as prisoner)

Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon Written While in Caesarea

Acts 23:24-26:32

Eph 3:1-4; 4:1-3; 6:19-20

Col 4:3-7, 10, 18; 4:7-9

Phlm 22


Paul Sails For Rome Through Cyprus, Pamphylia, Myra, Crete, Fair Havens


Acts 27:1-39


Shipwreck at Malta, Stay Three Months

Paul Mentions Shipwreck?

Acts 27:39-28:1


Paul Sails to Rome Through Syracuse, Rhegium, Puteoli


Acts 28:12-14


Paul In Prison In Rome For Two Years

Philippians Written;

The seminar Had a Division of Opinion On the Provenance of Philippians So Please Find Both a Majority View and a Minority View

Acts 28:16-31



Acts 28:16, 30

Phil 1:1, 7-26, 13; 2:19-30

Col 1:1; 4:7-9, 17, 18

Phlm 1, 2, 8-12, 23



Acts 19:22

1 Cor 15:32

2 Cor 11:23

Phil 1:1; 4:22



Paul’s Second Imprisonment in Rome

Paul’s Re-Arrest and Death


1 Timothy Written


Titus Written



2 Timothy Written While in Prison in Rome






Acts 27:7

Titus 1:5; 3:12-13





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This page maintained by Robert Lee Foster,

Last revised: April 1, 2003