


(J. Polhill, Acts, NAC, 369-379)


i.                     An Outline of the Sermon:

(1)               22-23  -- Main Theme -- The Ignorance of Pagan Worship

(a)                “very religious”  -- can be interpreted two ways:

(i)                  very devoted to religious matters

(ii)                overly superstitious

(b)               to an unknown god  -- a play on the word ignorance . . .

(i)                  Vs. 23 -- “to an unknown God”

(ii)                Vs. 23 -- “what you worship as unknown, this I . . .”

(iii)               Vs. 30 -- “while God has overlooked the times of human ignorance . . .”

(c)                For the Stoics, ignorance was the cardinal sin.


(2)               24-25  -- (1) The Object of True Worship: the Creator God and   (2) The Folly of Idolatrous Worship with Temples and Sacrifices.

(a)                If you accept the premise that God is Creator then, . . .

(i)                  (1) God does not live in temples built by human hands

(ii)                (2) God is not served by human hands (as if he needs anything


(3)               26-27  -- The True Relationship of Human Beings to their Creator.

(a)                The Providential God: This is the main part of Paul’s argument.

(i)                  (1) God’s Providence over Humanity.

1)                  God created the earth, humanity; he set the span of our lives and the locations of inhabitancy.

(ii)                (2) Human Responsibility to God.

1)                  Humanity must Search for God.

2)                  God is not far off.

(iii)               This is a call to Gentiles for whom the true God was “unknown.”


(4)               28-29  -- (1) The Culmination of the relationship between Human Beings and God and (2) A Renewed Attack on Idolatry.

(a)                Here, Paul attacks Idolatry as he had attacked temples and sacrifices earlier.


(5)               30-31  -- Return to the Main Theme -- The Time of Ignorance has Ended and God is Calling Them to Repentance.

(a)                Paul used the resurrection as evidence for the coming Judgment.



ii.                   Summary Remarks about the Passage:


(1)               Notice the Structure of the Argument A-B-C-B-A.  The “C” section is the “heart” of the argument.


(2)               Paul was building bridges to Intellectuals in the hope of winning some.

(a)                He used their language, and

(b)               Quoted their poets.

(c)                Paul did not compromise the Christian principles of God as Creator and Judge and the resurrection of Christ.


(3)               Results: READ 17:32-34

(a)                Some rejected what he said.

(b)               Some wanted to think about it and talk to him again.

(c)                Some believed.





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