


Here are the examples of  Second Temple Literature which were mentioned in class:


Testament of Solomon 18:1-16,

Then I commanded another demon to appear before me. There came to me thirty-six heavenly bodies, their heads like formless dogs. But there were among them (those who were) in the form of humans, or of bulls, or of dragons, with faces like the birds, or the beasts, or the sphinx. When I, Solomon, saw these beings, I asked them, saying, “Well, who are you?” All at once, with one voice, they said, “We are thirty-six heavenly bodies, the world rulers of the darkness of this age. But you, King, are not able to harm us or to lock us up; but since God gave you authority over all spirits of the air, the earth, and (the regions) beneath the earth, we have also taken our place before you like the other spirits.”

            Then I, Solomon, summoned the first spirit and said to him, “Who are you?” “I am the first decan of the zodiac (and) I am called Ruax. I cause heads of men to suffer pain and I cause their temples to throb. Should I hear only, ‘Michael, imprison Ruax,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The second said, “I am called Barsafael. I cause men who reside in my time period to have pains on the sides of their heads. Should I hear, ‘Gabriel, imprison Barsafael,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The third said, “I am called Oropel. I attack throats, (resulting in) sore throats and mucus. Should I hear, ‘Raphael, imprison Oropel,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The fifth said, “I am called Kairoxanondalon. I cause ears to have obstructions. If I should hear, ‘Ourouel, imprison Karioxanondalon,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The sixth said, “I am called Sphendonael. I produce tumors of the parotid gland and tetanic recurvation. If I hear, ‘Sabael, imprison Sphendonael,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The seventh said, “I am called Sphandor. I weaken the strength of the shoulders and deaden the nerves of the hand, and I make limbs paralyzed. If I hear, ‘Arael, imprison Sphandor,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The eighth said, “I am called Belbel. I pervert the hearts and minds of men [. . .] If I hear, ‘Karael, imprison Belbel,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The ninth said, “ I am called Kourtael. I send forth colics into the bowels. If I should hear, ‘Iaoth, imprison Kourtael,’ I retreat immediately.”

            The tenth said, “I am called Katanikotael. I unleash fights and feuds in homes. If anyone wishes to make peace, let him write on seven laurel leaves the names of those who thwart me: ‘Angel, Eae, Ieo, Sabaoth, imprison Katanikotael,’ and when he has soaked the laurel leaves (in water), let him sprinkle his house with water and I retreat immediately.”

            The twelfth said, “I am called Saphthorael. I put dissensions into the minds of men and I delight when I cause them to stumble. If anyone writes down these words, ‘Iae, Ieo, sons of  Sabaoth, and wears them around his neck, I retreat immediately.”



Dead Sea Scrolls, The Manual of Discipline, “III- Rules of the Order”

            One who walks before his neighbor naked when he does not have to do so shall be punished six months. A man who spits into the midst of the session of the masters shall be punished thirty days. One who brings his hand out from beneath his robe when it is torn, so that his nakedness is seen, shall be punished thirty days. One who laughs foolishly, making his voice heard, shall be punished thirty days. One who brings out his left hand to gesticulate with it shall be punished ten days.

            A man who gossips about his neighbor shall be separated for a year from the sacred food of the masters, and he shall be punished: and a man who gossips about the masters is to be dismissed from among them and shall not come back again. A man who murmurs against the institution of the community shall be dismissed and shall not come back: but if he murmurs against his neighbor without justification he shall be punished six months.



Mishnah, Aboth 5:10, 14

10. There are four types among men: he that says, ‘What is mine is mine and what is thine is thine’-this is the common type, and some say that this is the type of Sodom; [he that says,] ‘What is mine is thine and what is thine is mine’-he is an ignorant man; [he that says,] ‘What is mine is thine and what is thine is thine own’-he is a saintly man’ [and he that says,] ‘What is thine is mine, and what is mine is mine own’- he is a wicked man.


14. There are four types among them that frequent the House of Study: he that goes and does not practice-he has the reward of his going; he that practices but does not go-he has the reward of his practicing; he that goes and also practices- he is a saintly man; he that neither goes nor practices-he is a wicked man.


Mishnah, Kelim 8:1

8. 1. If an oven was divided [into two parts] by boards or hangings and a creeping thing was found in one part, the whole becomes unclean. If a broken-down hive that was patched with straw hung down within the air-space of the oven, and had within it a creeping thing, the oven becomes unclean. If the creeping thing was found in the oven, food in the hive becomes unclean. R. Eliezer declares it clean. R. Eliezer said, If the hive affords protection in the graver matter of corpse[-uncleanness], should it not also afford protection in the lighter matter of [uncleanness contracted from] an earthenware vessel? They answered, If it affords protection in the graver matter of corpse[-uncleanness] (respecting which partitions afford protection in a ‘Tent’), does it therefore follow that it will also afford protection in the lighter matter of [uncleanness contracted from] and earthenware vessel (respecting which partitions afford no protection)?



The Gospel According to Matthew, 7:9-11

Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if the child asks for fish, will give a snake? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!



A Page of Talmud


The Writings of Josephus




A special thanks to Sami Roe and Bethany Burns, my work studies, for typing these selections!



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Last revised: September 15, 2006