Jezreel Valley Area


The Jezreel valley as seen from Megiddo.

Mount Tabor in the distance.


Looking northward from Megiddo.

Kishon valley would be to the left.


Mount Tabor from the Nazareth scarp.


Cult platform at Megiddo.

Early Bronze III (2650—2350 B.C.)


“Ashes and remains of sacrificial victims found in large quantities

near the platform indicate that it served as an altar”

–Amnon Ben-Tor.  The Archaeology of Ancient Israel.

Trans. R. Greenberg (New Haven: Yale, 1992), 103).



Check out More Cool stuff about Megiddo at

The Megiddo Expedition Website




(All photos taken by Robert Lee Foster)






This page maintained by Robert Lee Foster,

Last Updated October 19, 2001