Making a decision to follow Christ and accept his ways is a very important decision. You should not make it lightly.
John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the
world (you) that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever (you again)
might believe in him, will not perish but have everlasting life."
So how do you begin this relationship?
It can begin right here and right now! A
person must first acknowledge that they need God, that is, he or she must
realize that he/she is a sinner. Then, ask Christ to forgive you of your sins
and be willing to commit the rest of your life, possessions, talents and time
in service to him.
You can make this commitment real by praying,
right here, right now! Pray these words with sincerity and you have initiated
your relationship with Christ, "Jesus, I turn from my sins. My sins have
hurt me and others and have offended you. I ask you to give me eternal life. I
commit all that have and all that I am to you, right here, right now.
Now, if you have made this commitment, I
would like to ask you to do three things:
1. Go to church this Sunday!
2. Begin reading your bible today! Try
starting in the Gospel of John.
3. E-mail me so that I can celebrate with you, pray for you, and give you some encouragement in doing numbers 1 and 2.
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Robert Lee Foster,
Last revised: September 5, 2003